Step 1: Open Notepad and Paste the following codes

@echo off
title CupCake
start /MIN C:\xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe
start /MIN C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe
start chrome

Then save the file with any name you like. In my case “start.bat”. Remember to give a .bat extension and select “all file” type. Save the file.

Step 2: Now download the following file and install it.

Bat to Exe Converter 

Step 3:

Now go to Image to Icon Converter  site and convert your .jpg/.png file to .ico file and download it.

Step 4:

Open the batch file(start.bat) with the converter software. See the image below

Step 5:

Now select file and “Build EXE”

Step 6:

Now press Select Icon

Step 7:

Navigate to your designed icon directory, select it and press open.

Step 8:

Now press “Build EXE” . It will prompt for a name. Give it any name you like or your own software name! Press “Save”!


Hurrah! You have your own .exe software! Go show off! 😉

Categories: How to

Zafor Iqbal

Full Stack Web Developer, Entrepreneur


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